Less than 2 months until

Eloise turns 3!

Is it obvious that life with 2 young children have been beyond hectic to say the least? Well maybe it’s more like after almost 3 years, I’m feeling like I have more time and some sanity back to feel like I can focus on myself again. I miss writing, creating, making, doing…

After I gave birth to miss Eloise on June 13th, 2020, my priority of course shifted a lot. Lack of time, energy, ability to think creatively have caused an almost 3 year time jump in this online journaling. I looked back on these posts and I was so glad to see I documented a bit for Emmett’s first year plus, but was sad there was nothing for Eloise’s first year let alone both of their past 3 years.

I regret that I had spent so much focus on IG stories instead of documenting these past years here. So many thoughts, experiences, joys, learnings have been had and I’m going to try my best to back date things.

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