
Definitely not pregnant. Very far from it. But I had to clear a lot of space from my phone to make way for 10,000 more pics and videos of Emmy and came across my old friend the preggo belly. These were taken at 8.5 months when I was looking for a dress for my brother’s wedding. Do I miss it? Yes, yes I do. Especially during nights when Emmy’s sleep regression is getting the best of me.

Still debating when I should share his birth story. Maybe a little bit later when I’m feeling forgetful about how traumatized I was. Haha jk. I’m exaggerating. The minute Emmett came out I told Kallen I’m never doing that again. But looking back 4 months later, I’m seriously forgetting how painful the experience was. Crazy how the mind just makes you forget such a thing. 

My proudest stash

It was quite a journey to get here but I made it. I feel like I’m barely producing just enough for Emmett so building this freezer stash took almost 2 months. But my goal was to have enough just to last my first day back at work and I’m so glad to say goal is met! 

3 months with Emmett

We haven’t had him do tummy time much (bc it hurts my heart seeing him uncomfortable) but when we do, he seems to be quite ambitious. 

I go back to work in 1.5 weeks and I’m sad I might miss seeing him learn how to roll over. But the other part of me feels so ready to go back. I miss having some me time and I miss chatting it up with coworkers.

I’ve also been trying to encourage him to express himself more whenever he’s upset or sad about something. The result is a lot of babble in between whining. It’s the cutest.